about julia
I first made the jump into entrepreneurship and coaching about 5 years ago. When I started, I had zero fucking clue what I was doing. So I started learning. I took courses, hired coaches, posted on social media, made offers and tried to sell shit, and basically got nowhere. Honestly, that kind of continued for another couple years as I fumbled around, spending shit tons of money and feeling shit tons of shame that I couldn’t figure it out.
Strengths based business, tried that. Heart centered, sure whatever that means. Following my soul? On it!
Copy courses, sales courses, masterminds, marketing coaching. TAKE MY MONEY.
I tried it all, y’all. And It felt like nothing was working. WTF was I doing wrong?
More me. The real me. Authentic, fully trusting myself, saying the things I wanted to say, selling the shit I wanted to sell and doing it all my way. Sounds simple enough, right?
Hahaha yeah sure cool. If I could bottle that up and sell it for $997, I would. But it’s not that easy.
If you want to have a business that truly feels good AND makes you money - it takes work.
Does that mean you have to hustle and grind and sacrifice and sell out or even burn out? HELL NO.
See, for the longest time, I thought someone else had all the secrets.
Sound familiar?
We’ve been conditioned to think something is wrong or broken if we can’t get things right on our own. This conditioning to become such an independent woman has fucked us all the way up.
We’ve been taught to do business in a man’s world, in a man’s way. There’s nothing wrong with bro-marketing, I just find that it definitely doesn’t turn me on and it kind of feels lame and outdated.
Because I eventually got sick of spending money on shit that didn’t work or worked, but didn’t feel good, I decided that I had to find what worked for me.
And ohhhhh did I find it ;)
The thing that makes us innately female is the very thing missing in business that is robbing us of the income and impact we’re so longing to make.
But we can change that. We can undo the conditioning that says we have to work harder, crush our competition, used fear based marketing, and sacrifice until we make it (aka delay pleasure until we hit our goals).
It’s tough work, but I’m here for it and for you if you decide that you’re done with the hustling and struggling.
Since basically day 1 of my entrepreneurial journey I said I wanted to do the digital nomad thing. Give up my housing, pack my shit in a bag, and travel to anywhere and everywhere for as long as I wanted, all while working.
Where I fucked up though? Was telling myself I couldn’t do it until my business got to a certain point.
Finally fed up and fully committed to pleasure, I decided that 2019 would be the year I went for it. That I fully trusted that I could have my desires now, have more consistency in my biz, and stop waiting to give myself what I really wanted.
The results?
I moved out of my apartment March 2019. I traveled to Hawaii and San Diego for a few weeks, got hella sick(hello uplevel flu), made my way to the east coast in April and officially started my adventures with 3 weeks in a gorgeous mansion on the edge of a Greek Island with 20 other badass coaches.
By August, I had done over 6-figures in sales, yes, over $100,000. Well, really I did that in June/July and by August my private coaching was sold out until 2020, I had a full mastermind(that I actually had to stop promoting because it filled well before the cart closed) and my community and audience was exploding.
Did I mention I did this all while…
working part time hours,
traveling full time,
taking a full week off to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
and living my best fucking life?
Was it risky and uncomfortable? Sure, many days lol. Was I unwilling to keep settling for anything but pleasure and my full desires? Yeah, I was.